Multi-Veg Muffins

Multi-Veg Muffins

Multi-Veg Muffins

My lovely nephew D inspired me to create these savoury muffins. D is a big fan of cheese. He also loves snacks (especially from Nonna’s pantry). He is, however, not always so keen to eat his vegetables. So I wanted to come up with a recipe that combined the nutritional value of veggies with the attractiveness of cheese and the allure of muffins. And so, ‘Multi-Veg Muffins’ were born.

These muffins are quite amazing: they include four (yes four!) different types of vegetables, are incredibly more-ish and children seem to love them (parents are also partial to a few). My daughter’s verdict was ‘Yummy. More’. She then wanted to eat them for her snack before bedtime and then breakfast the next day. Success!

This recipe made 18 mini muffins. They are lovely eaten warm from the oven, perfect eaten on the same day and still good the following day (if you still have some left).


  • 100g self raising flour
  • 65g mature cheddar cheese, grated
  • 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • 40g courgette, grated (from half a courgette)
  • 40g carrot, grated (approx. one small carrot)
  • 1 tbsp red pepper, finely chopped (approx 1/8 of a pepper)
  • 2 tbsp sweetcorn kernels (from a tin/ carton or defrosted)
  • 1 egg
  • 50ml light olive oil or sunflower oil
  • 50ml whole milk


  1. Sift the flour and baking powder into a large bowl. Mix in the grated cheese.
  2. In another bowl, lightly beat the egg, oil and milk until loosely combined. Mix in the grated courgette, carrot, pepper and sweetcorn.
  3. Pour the wet vegetable mixture into the bowl with the flour/ cheese. Stir together until just combined.
  4. Prepare your mini muffin tins by greasing with butter or lining with cases. Put a heaped teaspoon of the muffin batter into each muffin hole.
  5. Bake at 200C for 10 mins or until they have risen, are golden brown and  a skewer inserted into the muffin comes out clean.
  6. Leave the muffins in their tins for a couple of minutes and then transfer to a wire tray to cool completely (or to your mouth so as to eat them whilst warm).
  • Nutritional Highlights: The vegetables bring multiple vitamins and fibre to these snacks. The cheese offers protein and calcium.
  • First served at: 26 months
  • A-L rating: She really liked these savoury bites and, as I mention above, she wanted to eat them for her snack-time and then breakfast on the following day!
  • Freezer friendly? Yes
  • Adult adaption: These are great as they are.

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Multi-Veg Muffins

12 thoughts on “Multi-Veg Muffins

  1. Looks interesting – have you ever tried freezing them, and were they okay afterwards? I don’t get much opportunity to bake, so try to do a big batch and freeze some when I do.
    (Mostly I make banana oaties – 2 bananas, one cup oats. Mush together, plop teaspoonfuls onto baking tray, bake 12 mins till browned. That’s it. They freeze well, so I can just stick a handful into a container on the way out. You can also mix in other things, e.g. dried fruit, choc chips etc. But the basic recipe is so simple.)

    • Hi Anna, yes they freeze well. I have a few in the freezer at the moment and get them out when I run out of other snacks. I imagine that they’d probably be good in the freezer for at least 3 months. Your banana oaties recipe sounds great- so simple! Will have to try that one out…Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Pingback: Carrot Popsicles | Broccoli and Rice Cakes

  3. Karen, Mertie here, I am going to be really good and start trying some of your recipes. I have requested a Dee grown courgette to be brought today so that I can make your multi veg muffins as I reckon my two could really like these!! I will let you know how i get on!! X

    • Ooo a Dee grown courgette will make these taste extra special. I hope you enjoy making and eating them! Let us know the verdict…x

  4. Pingback: Little bites for little people | The Lapsed Vegetarian

    • Hello there, I used a mini muffin tray for these. I haven’t tried a regular muffin tray but am sure it would work with some adjustment in the cooking time. Thanks for asking.

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